
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Maumee to Magee Marsh

Did I tell you how much we loved Maumee State Park in Ohio ?  Oh , I did already-well let me tell you what is right down the road and just as wonderful-Magee Marsh !

Jim and Carolyn Diepenbruck,Roadtrek Friends forever, drove up from Bowling Green to spend the day with us-why because they are just both so very sweet.  They took us over to Magee Marsh to hike around and bird for a bit. What ended up happening is that we saw more turtles than  birds, but that was okay-it was a great day to be outside.

The rain kept threatening but never came-I’m guessing it’s what kept the birds hiding out or flying low and out of sight of our cameras. Magee Marsh is located in Ohio on the Southern shore of Lake Erie and is a prime stopover for North American Warblers.  Usually about mid May the park is jammed with birders, fortunately we missed the crowds but we also missed all the warblers . But that's okay it was a perfect day.

After we spent about 4 hours walking around and taking pictures we headed into Toledo for a real treat.  Lunch at Tony Packos.  If you haven’t been here you must get yourself there.  It’s not gourmet food,but what it is ,is delicious Hungarian food that a lot of people grew up eating if they lived in the East. And we did !  It's been around since 1932 and was made really famous by Corporal Klinger in Mash when he mentioned that if you were in Toledo you needed to go to Tony Packos for one of their hot dogs-and the rest is history.

The hot dogs with their chili sauce and cheese are to die for and the Hungarian dumplings with chicken paprikash sprinkled in among them-my mouth is watering just thinking about them again.  And when you go, make sure you get the fried pickles-I’ve got to find their recipe and get some of their spicy ketchup to go along with them.  After eating , I felt like we needed to go back to Magee Marsh and spend another four hours walking off the food.

When Carolyn & Jim dropped us off and we said our good byes, Jim and I crashed in the back of Ruby and probably fell asleep before 8pm.  Okay so we aren’t as young as we used to be but that’s really okay because we are enjoying life a lot more than we enjoyed it back then !

What better way to spend a day then with friends,beautiful scenery and animals and good food ? If you aren’t taking advantage of Roadtreking the Group Facebook page, you are missing out on making wonderful connections with people who have a lot in common with you.  Jim and I are basically loners when it comes to camping but the folks we have met along the way have added a richness to our lives that we treasure.  While we wouldn’t do any caravan camping we will always seek out like souls in the areas we visit and I encourage you to do the same.

Happy Trails and safe travels to all my fine feathered friends !

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